Promoting our Museums – Sites – Territory


Our project was developed with the help of BIM Piave Consortium, and is dedicated to the Museums and Sites of Alpago and Cansiglio. Our aim is to raise awareness of the museums, cultural heritage along with the environmental and natural aspects of the area of Alpago and Cansiglio. It is a heritage closely linked to the natural, traditional, historical and artistic aspects of the Belluno Province and the Veneto Region.

Our Network of Museums and Sites


  • Museum of Natural History – Chies d’Alpago
  • Alchemist House Museum – Valdenogher, Tambre
  • Regional Museum of Man in the Cansiglio “Anna Vieceli” and the Centre for Ethnography and Cimbrian Culture (MUC) – Pian Osteria (Cansiglio), Tambre
  • Botanical Garden “G. Lorenzoni” – Pian Cansiglio, Tambre
  • Ecological Museum “Giovanni Zanardo” – Pian Cansiglio, Tambre
  • Museum of Military History – Tambre
  • Archeological Excavations at Curago and Pian de La Gnela – Pieve, Alpago Council
  • Naturalistic Oasis at Santa Croce Lake – Farra and Puos, Alpago Council
  • Centre for Fish Science – Farra, Alpago Council

Institutions involved in the Project


The Project was led by the Alpago Montana Union together with the three municipalities of Chies d’Alpago, Tambre and Alpago. It was made possible thanks to the contribution by BIM Piave Consortium and cooperation with organisations and private owners.